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Prehistoric Sweden : ウィキペディア英語版
Prehistoric Sweden

==Timeline of Swedish History==

Period = from:-8000 till:2006
ImageSize= width:800 height:auto barincrement:21
TimeAxis = orientation:horizontal
PlotArea = right:80 left:30 bottom:40 top:5
AlignBars = justify
Colors =
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id:bronzeage value:rgb(1,1,0.6)
id:bronzeage2 value:rgb(0.9,0.9,0.5)
id:ironage value:rgb(0.8,1,0.8)
id:vendelera value:rgb(0.9,1,0.6)
id:vikingage value:rgb(0.9,0.9,0.6)
id:current value:rgb(0.9,0.9,0.9)
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ScaleMajor = gridcolor:lightline unit:year increment:1000 start:-8000
ScaleMinor = unit:year increment:500 start:-8000
BarData =
width:15 textcolor:black
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from:-8000 till:-7500 shift:(-25,0) text:"Ancylus age"
from:-7500 till:-4000 text:"Litorina age"
from:-4000 till:end text:"Post-Litorina age"
barset:stoneages mark:(line,white)
color:stoneage from:-8000 till:-1800 text:"Nordic Stone Age"
color:epoch from:-8000 till:-7000 shift:(-10,0) text:"Upper Paleolithic"
color:epoch from:-7000 till:-5000 text:"Mesolithic"
color:epoch from:-5000 till:-1800 text:"Neolithic"
color:bronzeage from:-1800 till:-600 shift:(-34,0) text:"Nordic Bronze Age"
bar:bronzeageperiods color:epoch
color:bronzeage from:-1800 till:-1500 shift:(-3,0) text:"I"
color:bronzeage2 from:-1500 till:-1300 shift:(-4,0) text:"II"
color:bronzeage from:-1300 till:-1100 shift:(-4,0) text:"III"
color:bronzeage2 from:-1100 till:-900 shift:(-5,0) text:"IV"
color:bronzeage from:-900 till:-600 shift:(-4,0) text:"V"
color:bronzeage2 from:-600 till:-500 shift:(-4,0) text:"VI"
color:ironage from:-600 till:1 shift:(-20,0) text:"Pre-Roman Iron Age"
color:ironage from:1 till:400 shift:(-15,0)text:"Roman Iron Age"
color:ironage from:400 till:800 shift:(-15,0)text:"Germanic Iron Age"
color:vendelera from:550 till:793 shift:(-5,0)text:"Vendel era"
color:vikingage from:793 till:1066 shift:(-10,0)text:"Viking Age"
color:migrations from:300 till:900 shift:(-20,0)text:"Migration Period"
color:early from:800 till:1523 shift:(-25,0) text:"Middle Ages"
color:early from:1523 till:end shift:(-15,0) text:"Modern Sweden"

抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)
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